
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Detroit Election--The Final Results

It's finally over and the numbers are in:

21% Voter Turnout--WTF???

Mayor: Dave Bing :(

City Council: Charles Pugh, Gary Brown, Saunteel Jenkins, Andre Spivey, James Tate, Ken Cockrel, Joann Watson, Brenda Jones, Kwame Kenyatta

City Clerk: Janice Winfrey

Charter Commission: Freeman Hendrix, Teola Hunter, Ken Coleman, Jenice Ford, Reg Davis, Rose Robinson, Ken Harris, John Johnson, Cara Blount

School Board: Lamar Lemmons, Ida Short, Rev. David Murray, Carol Banks

Proposal D: Yes

Proposal S: Yes

I'm more satisfied than not with these results. Our council definitely needed the shake up that it got. The charter definitely needs to address how city council president is elected--it shouldn't be by poplular vote, though I'm happy for Charles Pugh. I'm curious to see how Ken Cockrel will conduct himself on council now that he's been knocked off his high horse. As far as Dave Bing goes, I think we're going to get more of the same. Hopefully, more time in office will make him more of a people person than he currently presents himself as.

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