
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Distractions of Writer's Life

Whose days always go according to plan? Nope, not mine either. Once upon a time ago, though, I used to be able to from time to time. But that was before I fell into the role of a caregiver for my husband. Each day carries its own little adventure like a walk through the woods.  Even more so the case since my husband has become ill and needs more of my attention when I get home from work.

I'm blessed that a great part of what I have to do, as far as my writing is concerned, is on the computer and I sit in front of one of those eight hours a day. Only problem is that I'm ethically bound by my conscience and a document only an inch thick but as heavy as box of bricks--business code of conduct--to use that computer for the purposes for which I'm paid.

Luckily that same document does allow some wiggle room for personal use of the computer so I do what I can. On those days when I'm motivated to do more--post a blog, improve the design of my blog, schedule some publicity via Hootsuite, or visit some of the blogs I follow--you know, some of the more consuming activities of this writer's life, I create a mental list of a few things I want to do when I get home.

While I'm making my plans, though, approximately ten  miles away  somebody else is making plans for me too. My husband, bless his heart. Whether it's cooking something in particular for dinner (one day it was fried chicken in addition to the spaghetti that I was in the process of making), picking up something in particular that he may have a taste for (another day it was fixings for a hot fudge sundae), or any given day it could be as simple as watching a few episodes of television shows that he's recorded for my (mainly his) viewing pleasures. The Maury Show is at the top of that list. "You are NOT the father!" LOL! It's not preferred television entertainment but I enjoy watching my husband laugh. Dealing with a chronic illness as he is, moments of sincere laughter are few and far in between.

These detours to what I may have planned for my evening are nothing to get my undies in a bunch about. It happens to the best of us. That's what moments like these--waking up at 5 am on a Saturday morning and catching up on some things all the more appreciated..

Til next time y'all,

Author L.A.

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