
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slow it Down Please

After sitting on the sidelines watching my daughter get her exercise on via our Exercise TV programming, which I'm always recommending and encouraging others to take advantage of, today I decided to get my butt in gear.
Actually, I dabbled in it a couple of days ago doing the 6min Zumba Fitness video. Since it was only 6mins, I did the video back-to-back. I just couldn't see it any other way. Anyway, today I added Yoga Sculpt to the mix and that damn instructor was going waaayyyy too fast for me. Considering I'm a novice at Yoga I couldn't keep up with the video and do the moves correctly! You know, Yoga positions are about focus and concentration. Imagine my struggle trying to focus on the pose and see what the instructor was doing next. Long story short, I made it through a solid 15mins of the 25min video, but I think that's pretty good for someone who prefers to spend her evenings watching t.v., blogging, or writing--oh yeah--and parenting.

No promises, now. Not even to myself.  But I'd like to do some Yoga or some form of body sculpting in the morning. Check in tomorrow for an update.

1 comment:

Island Girl TLA said...

You can do it....hit that pause button and enjoy it!!!